Saturday, March 10, 2012

Joel & his Ice Climbing Adventures


“It’s a fun pitch, isn’t it?” Jon, my climbing guide, asks when I’m within earshot on the second pitch of Chasing the Sun.

“In a masochistic way,” I respond, huffing and puffing after kicking and picking my way up a frozen waterfall for nearly 20 minutes straight.

“That’s ice climbing,” Jon replies with a knowing laugh and a smile.

I’m not sure “fun” is the right word to describe scaling frozen waterfalls. I can understand “challenging,” “addictive,” gratifying,” “satisfying” or even “rewarding,” but I don’t think the word “fun” crossed my mind at any time when I was actually climbing, arms pumped from swinging tools and hanging on to a single ax as I clean Jon’s ice screws while ascending. All I wished for was to be at the top and have a decent rest before the next ascent.

No such luck, as the next waterfall is 500 vertical feet and ¼-mile ahead. The only rest I get is belaying Jon as he flashes the next pitch. The whole time, I’m dodging dislodged ice chunks the size of dinner plates while it’s raining rocks.

But afterwards, from the comfort of the couch, I watched the helmet-cam videos over and over again, re-living my glory until I sent Jon an email query asking about another trip.

I’m a relative newbie to ice climbing, which in the U.S. is a relatively new sport. Or you could say there’s a lot of room for growth in the sport – at least there is on the Southfork of the Shoshone River outside of Cody, Wyo.

There are people like Jon who can name all the waterfalls along the Southfork and tell you firsthand how often they’re in and how hard they are to climb as well as lead you safely up them.

I’m not the most experienced climber, and I’m far from the best or the strongest, so why should I write about a topic I’m not an expert at but so many other local people are? I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be Jon to climb water ice, but if you’re starting out, you need to learn from someone like him.

Some people are natural climbers. I’m not. It helps me to know that Jon’s not, either (at least he’s kind enough to tell me so). He says he spent a lot of time perfecting his form and learning how to climb rock and ice, just like I am. But he started a decade ago.

Besides, just because climbing comes easy to some doesn’t mean the mountain recognizes that. Those who are most likely to die in avalanches are experts. They know about the mountain, but the mountain doesn’t know or care about them.

It doesn’t hurt, also, to resign yourself to death; you’re unlikely to meet him while you’re climbing, even ice climbing, but if you haven’t already glimpsed him in a deer jumping across your path in the dark on the Southfork road, you haven’t ever seen him, and you will be surprised no matter when and where he finds you. But accepting death will help you make the moves you need, even though your rope and your guide will save you, even if your vehicle doesn’t.

Jackson Hole Mountain Guides has a Cody office that I can highly recommend, as I’ve rock or ice climbed with all of their guides (a few of them I’ve done both with, more than once); Southwest Adventure Guides is a Colorado company approved by the Shoshone National Forest for commercial waterfall ice guiding on the Southfork, and I’m sure their guides are all fully safe and competent, but I have never personally experienced them.

Geologists describe the slow-cooling igneous rock of the Absarokas with terms like “breccia.” Climbers call the crumbly volcanic conglomerate “choss,” “rotten” or, locally, “frozen kitty litter.” I’m surprised I haven’t heard anyone call it “Cody cheddar” or “Southfork Feta.”  It’s impossible to protect because it disintegrates as soon as you touch it.

But it creates world-class frozen waterfalls.

Maybe that’s part of the attraction to ice climbing for me as a local. When I lived in the Colorado high country, with two world-class ski resorts in my backyard, I spent most of my time riding. Living next to a world-class national park, I still hike the trails, despite the extra crowds and buffalo (tourist) jams. When I spent a summer in Washington, D.C., of course I visited its monuments and museums. Who would visit our nation’s capital without taking time for the Lincoln Memorial?

Living next door to some of the best ice climbing in the U.S., I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least try some of the routes people like Jon call “classics,” “gems” and “beautiful.” (Did I mention Jon spent seven years guiding a North American “classic,” Mount Hood, and still moved to Cody just to climb water ice?)

In addition to having the right geological conditions for world-class ice climbing, the Southfork offers an unprecedented mountaineering experience. Rather than single-pitch waterfalls where you put on your crampons sitting in your vehicle and make laps on the same route all day next to three other climbing parties, the easiest approach to Southfork ice falls is at least an hour. Not along a trail, but up a rocky drainage; or scrambling up slippery, 60-degree scree fields; or short-roping low-angle ice for a mile or more; or all of these in one trip.

I can appreciate lapping a single pitch with one ice tool as a means to an end, like I can appreciate bouldering to get better at rock climbing, but in both cases, I’m looking for a larger, longer mountaineering experience, not to climb the hardest, least-protected route possible.

And with at least three pitches on most routes, you can start climbing at 7 a.m. and not get back until 7 p.m. – or later, if you’re not strict about your turnaround time. Climbers who know the Southfork know it takes at least as long to descend as ascend – and that’s if you can rappel rather than having to downclimb.

I’ve climbed Granite Peak, Montana’s highest point and one of the most technical highpoints in the U.S., but I didn’t feel like a real mountaineer until I spent seven hours accessing and climbing three distinct pitches of water ice without seeing a soul other than my guide/climbing partner. Or until I sat atop a 60-meter pitch alone in the cold while Jon rappelled to the base, all the while hearing shattering and crashing ice without the benefit of knowing or seeing what is happening below. For a while, I was a little worried the whole structure might collapse underneath me. But I trust my guide and partner. At that point, what other choice do I have?

Waiting in the freezing wind, I’m tied to a six-inch-thick evergreen that’s keeping me from sliding down a 70-degree slope (expert ski runs are typically 40 degrees to 60 degrees), thanking goodness I have a warm bed to retire to later rather than a tent and a mummy bag, and wondering when I will hear “Off rappel,” from Jon, those exhilarating and somewhat frightening words that mean it’s my turn to back down the 60-meter frozen waterfall. At least it’s not a V-thread, an anchor that’s perfectly acceptable and safe, but not as inspiring of confidence as the little live evergreen tree that supports us (yes, both of us) right now.

After he lands, Jon’s voice is surprisingly loud and clear from 200 feet below. It echoes up along the canyon walls and maybe unlooses some frozen kitty litter. Or maybe it has been raining rocks since we started, and I’ve been too focused on my own purchase, my own selfish attachment the ice. On the way down, I smash through and dislodge more of the chandeliered icicles that I heard Jon destroy before. Most people would lower their heads and hide behind their helmet. Jon’s experienced enough that he’s well away from the bottom of the ice fall, well out of range of the dislodged, dangerous dinner plates.

The biggest barrier to climbing water ice is a sizeable upfront investment in gear, training and knowledge. It’s somewhere between snow skiing and learning to fly a private aircraft, depending on your climbing goals. But it’s gear that’s going to save your life. You don’t want to scrimp on that, do you? You wouldn’t build an airplane out of plywood, would you? If you would, I’m not flying with you, and I probably won’t climb with you, either.

Thankfully, it’s pretty much free after that – just calories and gas. Luckily I have plenty of both.

If you’re just starting out, you’ll be following a leader – someone like Jon. Someone who knows what they’re doing, has likely climbed the route at least once before, knows friends or other guides who have climbed the route in the past week or so, has a full rack of gear and knows when conditions are unsafe naturally or unsafe for your fitness, health or skill level.

Necessary gear for following on ice includes: a climbing harness ($75-$100), a climbing helmet ($100, see “choss,” “rotten rock” and “frozen kitty litter” and note that you will be below it), mountaineering boots (as much as $500), ice tools (about $200 each), crampons (+/- $200 a pair), some locking carabiners (as much as $15 each), a rope or two (about $200 each), appropriate clothing (priceless – waterproof and warm! I can climb in a fleece and uninsulated pants, but I start sweating in the shade when it hits 65 degrees Fahrenheit).

If you hire a guide service, check with them to see what they provide. Depending on the service, they might provide harnesses, locking carabiners and a climbing helmet (bike helmets don’t count). The guide will almost certainly provide any needed ropes and an assortment of protection (ice screws, about $60 each, as well as cordelettes and webbing for anchors, price varies by the foot depending on diameter and performance).

For the rest of the gear, a local shop called Sunlight Sports has a knowledgeable staff (many are climbers of rock and/or ice themselves), and they rent technical mountaineering boots, crampons and ice tools.

If you’re a dirtbag rock climber looking to try ice, check out the annual Southfork Ice Festival, which takes place Presidents Day Weekend each year.  Visit starting in about November to find ice climbing clinics, rescue scenarios and multi-pitch climbs.

In addition to having free hardware to demo from sponsors (crampons, tools, mountaineering boots, etc., from companies such as Scarpa, Black Diamond, Grivel, Petzl and others), I was surprised to be able to demo software (ropes, gloves and a softshell jacket) from companies such as Rab, Sterling Ropes and Mountain Hardware. For free. Did I mention free? The single-pitch clinics are led by seasoned climbers and guides, and the multi-pitch trips the second day were about $450 worth of guided climbing.

At this year’s festival, the never-evers clinic was free, while the rest of the clinics cost a small fee, which is a donation to the Wyoming Search and Rescue Association.

Having a guide rather than a climbing buddy means at least that you can tell outrageous lies at the bar after your adventure, and they should at least feel some obligation to back up your absurdities – if you tip them well enough. After all, even if you don’t know it, they just got done saving your ass, probably more than once.

And there’s no need to winter camp along the Southfork, The Cody hotel has world-class winter accommodations at dirtbag prices for climbers and non-climbers alike.

I don’t know whether to envy or pity guides like Jon.

I took time off from work to visit this extraordinary environment. And I paid good money to do so safely (which means I will climb again, not necessarily that I will realize my objectives). Jon gets to spend his days here regularly, and he gets paid for it, although he’s not climbing the waterfalls he wants to or the routes he chooses. He has to accommodate me.

Me, out of breath after 15 minutes on the approach. Me, scared to climb WI4, which he could probably solo. Me, who might well drop his biners or his $60 ice screws as I clean a pitch (if you do this, it should drive the percent you tip your guide upward).

 Him, waiting above, encouraging me to summon the strength to finish the final 10 feet of a pitch. And genuinely celebrating and cheering when I make it. Him, letting me rest on the rope. Him, managing a twisted and partially frozen rope. Placing the gear. Building the anchors. Re-climbing  pitches if the rope gets bound while pulling a rappel line. Responsible for my life as well as his own.

Or, even for others much less experienced than me. Baby-sitting adults, some of whom might be more difficult than children. I feel like hanging from a frozen waterfall (or a tenuous rock hold) amplifies your personality, whether good or bad, selfish or selfless.

I feel better that I have at least met both the working and bitter ends of a rope. I’m not actively trying to kill him, like so many clients, but that doesn’t mean I still couldn’t manage somehow, out here, hours from rescue, even with two personal locator beacons. Miles and hours from anyone. Nowhere near cell service in a frozen-kitty-litter canyon, where it’s raining rocks the size of a pit bull’s skull and ice the size of dinner plates.

It must be like working as a ski instructor who’s stuck on green groomers on a powder day. There are no friends on a powder day, but there’s still rent to pay at the end of the month.

I guess I envy and pity guides like Jon.

You should be sure to try ice climbing if you are in the area.

It’s a lot of fun. Really.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Shelleys Story

Shelleys Story

"You are a little bit lumpy", my doctor said while performing my yearly breast exam. "I don't think it is anything to worry about, but I would like you to have a mammogram and ultra sound done, just to make sure." From this day in March 2011, my life has not been the same. I was a 44 year old divorced woman with two teenage daughters at home. I was working full time and I had been going to college part time. Life was finally starting to "look good" ... at least that is what I thought.

I was sent over to the hospital to have a mammogram and ultrasound the Monday following my doctor visit. The radiologist saw a shadow on the ultrasound that he wasn't sure of, so he then referred me to a  surgeon for a biopsy. I waited and waited, for what seemed like the longest wait of my life. Different scenarios running through my mind, he came back only to confirm the worst one I had imagined. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 DCIS Breast Cancer.

The next few weeks were just crazy! Doctor visits, lab work, several other tests, and surgery. I had a lumpectomy in April. The doctor informed me everything went well and he was confident all cancer had been removed. In June, I began radiation treatments, the first of 35 all together. The dreaded next step... after thinking long and hard about this, I decided to proceed with Chemotherapy. My first Chemo treatment was on September 7th. I was beyond terrified; I had heard horror stories and was now, on top of all my other fears I had faced in the past few months, fearing losing my hair more than anything else. Well, about 15 days after my first treatment my fear had become a reality, I noticed clumps and clumps of hair in my comb. I then decided to have my boyfriend shave my head. He let me shave his head. We shaved each others heads. This seemed to improve my attitude, while making me feel more in control of things.

I went through four chemo treatments, one every 21 days, the final treatment ending November 9th, 2011. Throughout this whole cancer fighting process I continued to work, go to school, and managed to take care of my family. I would never have been able to do this if I didn't have the amazing support system I have. The people I work with were super supportive, and my family and friends, they were there for me through everything. I had someone at every doctors appointment with me. I would recommend to anyone facing something like this to take someone with them, you then have two sets of ears listening and processing the overwhelming amount of information given to you. At these appointments, I only heard about half of what was said, so I was very thankful to have my boyfriend by my side. I also found support through the Lainey Cole Memorial Fund, an organization specifically designated to help women in Park County that have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.They give you monies to helpo you with whatever you need while going through treatment. I am forever grateful to them for the help I received. It helped make things a little less stressful during this trying time in my life.

Just remember, a positive attitude and some talking to God will help you through the rough spots in life. Staying positive got me through this bump in the road.

Friday, January 20, 2012

American Bus Association's Marketplace 2012

Hi! I just got back from Grapevine, Texas where I attended the American Bus Association’s 2012 Marketplace – the motorcoach and group travel industry’s premier business event. This is our fourth time going to the marketplace and each time, we build better relationships with the tour operators that come to Cody. During the summer, it’s not unusual to see 20-30 buses in Cody at any given time and Marketplace helps bring them here.
The five days of the show consisted of appointments with selected operators, luncheon and evening networking events, a product pavilion and education seminars covering everything from time management to getting the most out of your smart phone. This year, one of the evening events was held at the newly built Dallas Cowboy football stadium – an impressive building - even for someone who doesn’t care about football (sorry all you football fans, but it’s true!). The facility cost $1.5 billion dollars to build and houses a $42 million, high definition screen to better watch the games by! How would you like that in your family room?
Check out our website for more pictures of the week’s events and travel with me to Vegas in two weeks for the international tour operator’s show – Go West Summit.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Park County Animal Shelter

A couple of us decided to go out and donate some of our time volunteering at our local animal shelter. We met with the manager Frank while he showed us all the different rooms & areas. He took me 1st to the free roam cat room. This room has several different cats of all ages, all of which are freely roaming amungst each other. Definitely impressive. Frank then took me to the kitten room & through the laundry room & linen area. He explained they forever doing laundry & always excepting linen donations. We then went out to see the dogs, which, I am happy to say, are at an all time low for occupancy at the shelter. They had fewer then ten when we went out to help. Just awesome. He then said when Summer time rolls around the rate of dogs, unfortunately, jumps. That would be when they need the most help. I feel that we all bonded with the dogs we walked & the cats we played with. It was a great experience, & all 3 of us hard core animal lovers learned a great deal about the shelter & it's value to our community. They do so much for the lost animals of Park County & we were happy to help them out.
The Cody donates all of our unusable linens to this shelter. They will be more than happy to take your old linens off your hands. Although, you might not be looking to adopt, keep in mind, they can always use volunteers to help clean the animal crates, walk the pup's, & do many other daily tasks & chores. You can donate your time, at any time from 7:30am to 5:00pm, the hours they are open. The Shelter did state, volunteers are always in need! And they are just as important as money donations. We urge you to take an hour of your time & go walk a dog! You leave with an amazing feeling, & the dogs, I'm sure, love it too. Give them a call & I know for a fact the staff out there will warmly welcome you, just as they did us.
They do have a website for more information.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our Dog Blog

Our Dog Blog

Here at The Cody, we welcome Mans Best Friend. We all love those tail wagging kind. Our hotel offers specific dog rooms. All of which are located on our 1st floor, and we do charge a small fee of $15 per dog, per night, with a maximum of 2 pups. That's right- no matter what kind of dog you have, big or small, furry or furrless- just let us know when you reserve & we can get them in for only 15 bones! Our housekeeping staff does extra services to make sure our designated pet rooms stay in excellent condition for our next canine guest. Although we know your pooch is the best, and the most well behaved one out there- because of liability issues, we ask that you do keep them on a leash through the lobby, and that you please do not leave your canine in your room alone at any time. We apologize if this is of any inconvenience, and we DO have a great recommendation of The Cody Bed & Bisuit to take your pup over night, or even for just a few hours. The owner Leigh and her crew, are amazing with all dogs. We, as employees with personal experience, definitely recommend her! Visit her website or give her a ring at (307) 587-1073. The Cody does have a pet exercise area on the south side of our facility with grass & trees. We also have a large lot west of us for Fido to explore, run, & play. Feel free to jog across the street and use the walking path, also commonly used for our guests to walk to the Rodeo Grounds during our Summer Season. With that being said, we would love to have your pup enjoy your stay at The Cody with you, just let us know. Check out our photo album we have started on Facebook with a few of our guests & their furry tag along travelers.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


New Years Resolutions

A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more lasting personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. This goal must be reached by the next New Year. Keep in mind that this is a goal, not a wish and should be something that you as a person could strive for- Wikipedia

So we asked around our hotel & found more people are scared to make resolutions for fear of failure. Pretty interesting. As for the rest of us, we thought we'd share.

"To have a healthy baby"- Steph

"To get out of Cody, WY"- Aerial

"Work less & Get paid more"- Bonnie

"Have a HEALTHY Year"- Shelley

"To be more organized"- Natalie

"Be a better person"- Amiee

"Do more with my dog"- Maeli

"Be more physically active & get out of the house more"- Amy

"Have a year of less stress & worry, not to sweat the small stuff"- Celes

"To except life on lifes terms"- Maureen

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Our Desert Contest Winner


And the winner is....


A big congratulations to Amie for winning our desert contest here at The Cody! She did a fantastic job, AND she is willing to share her winning recipe. Feel free to test it out & post a little something on our facebook page & let us know what you thought.

Amies S'More Marshmallow Madness

Cooking Spray
2 cups crushed graham crackers
1/4 cup butter, melted
3 tablespoons brown sugar
3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese
8 ounces marshmallow cream
1cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
3 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup mini marshmallows

preheat oven to 350 degrees F
Line a 13 by 9 inch baking pan with foil, with the ends of foil extending over the sides of the pan. Spray lightly with cooking spray.
Mix graham cracker crumbs, butter, & brown sugar in a bowl. Press firmly onto the bottom of the prepared pan & bake for 10 to 15 min.
Remove crust from oven & lower temp to 300 degrees.
with an electric hand mixer, beat the cream cheese, marshmallow cream, sugar, and vanilla in large bowl until well blended. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Add the flour & mix well. Pour over crust & bake for 50 minutes.
Remove cheesecake from the oven & top with chocolate chips & mini marshmallows. Using a handheld torch, char the marshmallows and lightly melt the chocolate. Remove the cheesecake from the pan using the foil handles before cutting into squares. Garnish each bar with a sprinkling of coarse graham cracker pieces.